Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So, I voted today. I did my part, went to the polls, and voiced my opinion. Not so much because I believe that my one little vote really makes a huge difference, but because I can. There are so many people in our world who don't have this privilege to the extent that we do. We are so fortunate to have a voting system where we are safe, unpressured, and completely entitled to our own personal vote, whatever that may be. When I went to the polls today, there was not one armed guard or military personnel there -- not one. The only people I saw running the polling place were ordinary citizens just like me. The gal who checked me in was a recent Grand Valley graduate who was working a couple of part-time jobs. The gentleman in charge of the ballot scanner box was the father of 3 children who proudly showed me each of their pictures (I'm not sure why... but he did). This made me feel safer than any military presence ever would. There are so many countries in the world where the citizens of that country have the right to vote, yet their system is dangerous; men and women risk their lives to fill in the ballot. Yes, there are flaws in our country, but our right to vote and our protection when voting is not one of them. My one little vote may not count for much, but it would be wrong not to take advantage of the opportunity I have to walk into my polling place unhindered, mark my vote without fear, and participate in one system in America that I am proud of. So... why do YOU vote?

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