Tuesday, October 21, 2008


First, a vent, then on to the happy stuff:

I want to ban state standardized testing. Forever. Period.
My whole heart cries out, IT'S NOT FAIR!!! when I watch my students painfully struggling through the test, and all I can tell them, through a forced smile, is "I can't help you with this part; just keep doing your best". All I want to do is take the thing, rip it up, and throw it out as invalid. I just read a research article today talking about the "unnecessary linguistic complexity" used in standardized tests. Duh.

Ok, now for the happy stuff: I LOVE fall! Especially this fall. Here's what I l-o-v-e"
~ fresh hot cider from the apple orchard
~ crisp apples that you know really are fresh
~ hayrides, corn mazes, pumpkins
~ actually being grateful for a sunny day "what a beautiful day"
~ fall decorations -- not the cheesy ones in stores, but the spontaneous, let's-use-fallen-leaves decorations in people's homes
~ the sound of the breeze in the trees
~ the COLOR in the trees -- wow!
~ leaves floating to the ground
~ a tree with a neat circle of fallen leaves around its base
~ long sleeves, but no need for a coat yet
~ bike rides where you can hear the crunch of leaves under your tires
~ the clean-up rituals that happen in anticipation of winter
~ the sound of neighborhood leaf blowers
~ checking the weather every night, because there's just no telling what tomorrow will be like
~ taking full advantage of those few beautiful days left before winter

Do you have anything else to add to the list??


michelle said...

i would add fall camping and hiking! we just got back from an amazing fall camping trip to devil's lake state park in WI and it was wonderful - the best time of the year! :)

mindella said...

APPLE BREEEAAADDDD!!! the best part of fall. oh, and candy corn.