Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year

So it's been a while since my last post... True confession: I forgot I had a blog for a while.... oops!
Anyways, since it's the new year, I thought I should write a post about my new year's resolutions. Except I don't really make resolutions. So, instead, I've decided to write about my new year's goals (sounds much better than resolution, right?). In a nutshell, my goal for this year is to get healthy: physcially, financially, and spiritually. Not to say that any of these areas are in the ICU, but they all could use some more healthy-ness. Now all I have to do is figure out how I'm going to get there, and what the mark of "healthy" or even "robust" is for each of these areas. Any ideas?

Speaking of resolutions, want to hear something funny? One of my coworkers said that her husband's new year's resolution was to give up sugar. Forever. What?!? That's just crankiness waiting to happen, folks. Not a good thing. Sugar (in moderation, of course) is a necessity! Blain even gave me not one, but two, kinds of amazingly delicious dark chocolate in my Christmas stocking -- what a champ!

Well, it's about time for me to jump on my bike... here comes healthy!