Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pen and Paper

Why "Pen and Paper?" Well, a long, long time ago, I used to love journaling. I loved picking out the perfect pen, opening up to a new, clean sheet of spiral-bound paper, and letting my thoughts and feelings flow from me, through the pen, and onto the lined white paper. However, as I have "grown up" I have decidedly felt that journaling, ie: writing for no other audience other than myself, is lame, awkward, and otherwise just a waste of time. Maybe it's all the elementary school teaching-writing-training that drills "RAFT": Reason, Audience, Format, Topic. Maybe it's the 'melancholy', organized personality I've grown into over they years. Maybe it's just as simple as being out of practice. Whatever the reason is, the fact remains that although I have stopped journaling with pen and paper, thoughts, musings, ponderings, and reflections still form themselves inside my head. And, as much as I would like to ignore them, they continuously beg for a way out. And so, here I am, journaling on the web... or as the techno-savvy like to call it: blogging.