Monday, February 16, 2009

Any Day

Yes, don't we all love Valentine's Day? Hahaha.... or not...? I know for some people it is one of their favorite holidays. Get dressed up, go out for a fancy meal, get all kissy-kissy... Bah, I say, Bah humbug. Ok, so I'm not really that against romantic things, but I just feel like Valentine's Day is kind of a fraud. Who is Hallmark to dictate when someone is obligated to show another person that they love them? Should that be something that is done "any day"? Yes, I say, yes it should. Thus the induction of "Any Day".

Actually, Any Day was the brainchild of my creative, thoughtful, and romantic husband. While we were engaged, I gave him my whole Valentine's Day shpiel and told him I really didn't think we needed to celebrate this day or do anything special. So, a couple of days before Valentine's Day, my then-fiance showed up with flowers and gift. I said, "I thought we weren't celebrating Valentine's Day" to which he cleverly replied, "It's not Valentine's Day, it's just any day." Thus, Any Day was born.

It has been celebrated every year since, usually sometime during the week preceeding Valentine's Day. This year I got incredibly comfortable, yet still cute, shoes and a box of Aba-Zabas (oh so delicious!!). I am very proud of our tradition and hope it carries on for a long, long time. Isn't it great to be loved any day? :)

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